To address and facilitate businesses in determining the Business Sector category to be developed in Indonesia, the government through the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) has compiled the Indonesian Standard Industrial Classification (KBLI) as a guide for determining types of business activities. It is differentiated through codes regulated within the Indonesian Standard Industrial Classification (KBLI). KBLI itself is the classification of economic activities in Indonesia that produce products/output, either goods or services, based on the field of business to provide uniformity in concepts, definitions, and classifications of business fields in the development and shifting of economic activities in Indonesia.
In OSS RBA, KBLI 2017 is no longer used but has been replaced by KBLI 2020. This is in accordance with BPS Regulation Number 2 of 2020 concerning the Indonesian Standard Industrial Classification, with the addition of 216 5-digit KBLI codes from KBLI 2017, bringing the current total to 1,790 KBLI codes, along with the reassignment of codes in several business fields. Businesses that are using OSS RBA for licensing for the first time will automatically use KBLI 2020. Whereas, businesses that previously used KBLI 2017 are required to adjust to KBLI 2020. So when a business entity logs into the OSS account, the system will display the conversion from KBLI 2020, and the business entity simply needs to confirm.
The products arising from this OSS system include the changed Business Identification Number (NIB) & Standard Certificate, which adjusts according to risk classification. NIB contains several pieces of information about the company, the KBLI of the company's activities, and one of them includes the company's address. NIB also serves as an importer identification number (API-P & API-U), customs access rights, registration for business participant membership for social health insurance and social security, and mandatory labor registration for the first period of business participants. Furthermore, NIB currently replaces the domicile certificate. NIB also serves as the Company Registration Certificate (TDP), Trade Business License (SIUP).
Risk Classification itself can be determined by checking directly on the OSS system. On the initial page menu of OSS, you can select Information > KBLI 2020 > input the KBLI code used > click on that KBLI, then the risks and their requirements will appear depending on the risk level of each company. Risk Analysis Implementation is carried out by the Central Government through:
a. identification of business activities;
b. assessment of the level of danger;
c. assessment of the potential for danger occurrence;
d. determination of the Risk level and business scale rating; and
e. determination of the type of Business License.
The Risk Level itself represents the potential for a danger to health, safety, environment, natural resource utilization, and/or other hazards categorized as Low, Medium, or High as explained in Article 7 paragraph (1) of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation. According to the risk of business activities, the following are the types of permits obtained by business entities:
Low Risk: Business Identification Number (NIB)
Low-Medium Risk: NIB, and Standard Certificate (SS) in the form of a Self-Statement
Medium-High Risk: NIB, Standard Certificate (SS) which must be verified by the relevant Ministry/Institution/Local Government
High Risk: NIB, Permit that must be approved by the relevant Ministry/Institution/Local Government, and Standard Certificate (SS) if required.
"In the process, there are differences between each type of business activity because it is not feasible for every business to have the same permit, considering that different fields of business operate in different sectors. For example, mining activities would naturally require different permits compared to agricultural or cargo-related activities."